Most missions are assasinations / combat sweeps or of similar type where you wipe out or kill enemy syndicates or bad guys. If the mission is to kill a certain ONE or TWO person(s), destroy a particular object, or go to a certain place then there will be a radar blip on your map. If you have the sound option on, the radar blip will make a "blipping" sound.
You have to look out for the enemy syndicates, criminals, and police in that order.
This is a sample map. Where the crosshairs meet is where your currently selected syndicate is located. Your syndicates do not need to stick together but it may be wise in case they get outgunnned.
Red dots indicate enemy syndicates
Black dots indicate police
Gray dots (not pictured) indicate criminals
White dots indicate common civilians or vehicles
Yellow dots indicate your own syndicates or persuaded people
Blinking Yellow/Blue dots indicate key or vital persuaded people (you must protect them)
Enemy sydicates are the most dangerous of all foes. They will keep coming at you and shooting at you until your syndicates are all dead. Criminals will shoot at you if you are in their vicinity and usually not too smart or fast. Police will only shoot at you if you kill another cop or have your weapons drawn out.
Here is what your syndicates look like if they have weapons drawn:
To put away your weapons, click on your highlighted weapon or a non-weapon. Your syndicates will look like this if they are unarmed:
Common people do not carry weapons unless you have persuaded them. They do not attack your syndcates at all. (Although they will run away if they see you will guns out!)
Sometimes it is helpful during the briefing to buy more info. This gives you a better picture in what you have to face and sometimes it gives you tactics that you can follow. The map can be helpful at times but you usually won't need it.
ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING RESEARCHING IF POSSIBLE. The more you spend on research the more weapons / devices and power your syndicates will have. To research, click the research button and select either "equip" or "mods" category. On the top left corner you will have a list of the selections that you have yet to research. Click on the item you want and you will see a graph. If you want to increase research spending then press the "+" or if you want to spend less press "-". After you are satisfied with the research budget, press the "accept" button on the bottom right corner of the screen. You are now researching that item. After a mission, you will receive a mission statistics screen. If you are finished researching that item, you will see the report on the bottom of the mission statistics screen.
Search out dead criminals, syndicates, and cops for advanced weapons. If you bring back a weapon you don't already have developed, this will help the research boys get it on your weapons rack. For example: On the very first mission, there is a criminal in the far upper left corner. He has an uzi that you can bring home. Just make sure that the Colonel doesn't get away!
Another example, after the first ten or so missions, cops may already have mini-guns. Blow up their cop cars and blow up the cops to find one. This will make your life much easier. You can find them usually attached to the police vehicles.
Develop modifications and equipment equally. You will need both weapons and mods to keep you alive. Weapons are fun and definitely more interesting, but sometimes it will be your new legs that get you out of trouble.
Hide behind corners. If the enemy has better guns then LET THEM COME TO YOU. You don't always have to chase down your enemies. Sometimes they want to chase you! Just wait behind a corner and blast them away before they get the chance. You will be doomed if the get their mini-guns on you from around a corner.
Stay away from compromising positions. Never get cornered. Never get surrounded. This is a quick way to death.
PERSUADE PERSUADE PERSUADE. If you persuade enough common people, you can persuade cops. If you persuade enough cops then you can persuade enemy syndicates. First point if you finish the mission and persuaded enemy syndicates (provided they are still alive), they become new agents for the New Order. Secondly, persuading people / cops / syndicates give you more of an edge to kick butt. They shoot at what you shoot and follow you whereever you go. Usually, they will walk a little slower than you and you might have to wait for them.
Be cautious when using vehicles. It is easy to run over your own syndicates as well as any persuaded people. It is very easy to die in a vehicle if enemies shoot your vehicle until it explodes! Cop cars seem to take the most damage. Use cop cars first (if they are available). Vehicles definitely get you around much faster. Take advantage of this.
Sometimes it may be smart to leave your vehicle near by the escape route. This helps guarantee your vehicle from harm. If it gets destroyed, you may not be able to leave or enter anymore vehicle gates.
Conserve your ammo!
In the later levels, the enemy syndicates may have time bombs. After you kill them, get away from the bomb or pick it up (before it blows up!). Time bombs may actually be very useful fighting tools. After you kill a syndicate that has a time bomb, you will here a beeping/ticking sound. Wait for other enemy syndicates to come close to the bomb and start shooting it. If you hit the bomb, it will explode and take out anything near by it.
OK...Well that's enough tips for you folks....or else I might take out all the fun in the game! But here's one last tip for those who are trying to solve the Atlantic Accelerator. SLOW THE GAME DOWN!!!!! You can do this by pressing command-4 a couple times. Slow it down real real slow before the mission starts. The start the mission and hurry up select: mini-guns, control all syndicate control bar, raise the intelligence all the way, and raise the accuracy all the way. After that START the time you start shooting you may already have taken many hits...That's long as you keep shooting they won't be able to.
On this mission, you will definitely run out of ammo. Drop your empties (command-click on weapon) and pick up the weapons of the dead enemies. Keep a gauss gun handy for those hard to get targets (but don't use it all up!).
With that in mind, and a couple dozen restarts, you too can finish that mission!!!
I hope this has been worth the download!!! Hope you found the info helpful!!! Check out in the AOL forums and file search MDConcepts for other cool stuff to come!!! We are also the authors of "Every Man's Dream Icons" series!!! Our email address is